General Liability Coverage
Having robust General Liability coverage will help you withstand the evolving legal climate, regulation changes, and general business risks your cannabis business faces everyday.
A General Liability Insurance policy provides indemnity against the risks that nearly all business owners face. It is the most critical basic coverage your business needs to protect you from a variety of claims including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and other situations that may arise including slander, libel, copyright infringement and more.
Unfortunately, a single accident could result in a lawsuit that quickly uses up resources and often results in compromising the business, or worse. General Liability doesn’t only pay for damages, it can also provide for costly legal defense. Insurance also shows your suppliers, partners, and customers that you’re serious about the longevity of your business. Most commercial contracts and leases require your company to carry limits of General Liability to meet the company’s legal obligations.
What Does General Liability Cover?
General Liability Insurance has two primary categories of coverage:
Medical - your policy will cover payments that relate to falls, trips, and slips.
Premises - your policy will provide coverage for slip and falls and other hazards on your property.
S2S Insurance Specialists insures the most difficult risks facing your company. We can customize a General Liability policy to meet your budget and needs. To learn more about how we can protect you and your business, schedule a 15-minute consultation.
No matter where your business falls in the Supply Cycle, S2S Insurance Specialists has the coverage that you need to protect your business.